Student Solution


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Leadership Midterm Exam

Leadership Midterm Exam

Q Address four (4) of the following in detail, referencing and citing the textbook where appropriate. No sources except the textbook are required. 25 points each. 100 points total. How does focusing on human behavior and relationships within a public and nonprofit agency setting diverge from previous foci and understandings of organizational theory and management in the public sector? According to Goleman and Denhardt, what are the four components of emotional intelligence? How are these components linked to vision, self-assessment, and value orientations as articulated by Reddin? Finally, compare and contrast internal and external locus of control. Why are these terms and concepts relevant to organizational administration and leadership? According to Denhardt and Boone & Hollingsworth, what are the five stages of the creative process? Also, what are the characteristics of the creative process according to Foster? What role does creativity have in organizational functioning and leadership in your opinion? How can managers and leaders foster and encourage creativity? Compare the three models of decision-making articulated by Allison. What are the components, assumptions, and applications of each? Which is the most useful for organizational administration and leadership? Why? Finally, how could “group think” influence decision making in your opinion? Compare and contrast the more classical models of decision making to the more modern approaches. How do they differ? What varying assumptions do they make regarding organizational structure and human behavior within organizations? What is motivation? Why is it integral to organizational functioning? Discuss the theories of McGregor, Herzberg, Hackman and Olham, and McClelland as they relate motivation. How, does Maslow’s hierarchy apply to motivation in your opinion? Finally, how can managers and leaders in the public sector influence employee motivation, if at all?

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The term that was coined by Goleman for the emotion that leads to one’s behavior is known as emotional intelligence. We react to the outer world according to the feeling that we are having at that particular moment. According to Goleman and Denhardt, there are four components of emotional intelligence.